Organizing your data is always handy. Properly organized data makes your life a lot easier, no matter what type the data is. Today we will be seeing how you can add Album Art to music files on your Windows 10 computer. So let’s begin.
WMI Provider Host High CPU
WMI is a Windows Management Instrumentation service as part of Windows Host Management components. The primary functionality of this process is to monitor and facilitate instrumental components, command-line and scripting environments such as Windows Powershell, vbscript. In this article, we’ll discuss what causes WMI host service to consume higher CPU usage and how to fix it.
(more…)How to Restore Windows 10 Photo Viewer?
Software changes are mostly a smooth transition, but sometimes they aren’t! One good example is the iPhone’s no-headphone-jack version. The confusion around it’s usage caused users to go for buying third-party connectors. The same is the case with many other software such as Windows 10.
Hiding/Unhiding Files & Deleting Duplicates from Mac
Have you ever wondered how many files exist on your Mac but are hidden from your naked eyes? Well, such files are way more in existence than you would imagine. They are scattered all across your operating system, including the ~/Library folder. These files occupy a significant portion of your storage system.
How to Mass Delete Tweets Online?
At one point or another, we were all new to Social Media and hence naïve. We have all had phases during which we posted a lot of necessary content on our profiles. Be it the Taylor Swift obsession period or the sad romantic poetry phase, our past Tweets often reflect a very weird and socially unacceptable side of us.
The PhotoStick Usage Manual
Do you still regret the time you didn’t back up your media files and then suddenly your computer got attacked by a deadly virus? Do you want to relive the moments by watching those videos you made while you and your spouse were trekking through the National Park? Too bad they are all lost!